About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog, Even In Madness. My name is Kate and I'm a 17 year old student currently residing in Ohio. I'm really bad at writing these but I'll just be honest, I guess. First off, my birthday is on the 3rd of August. I have brown hair that I dye burgundy and brown eyes.

I can be brutally honest and most of the time, it just comes out like a bitch. I have a small obsession with school supplies and I’m not afraid of talking about myself. I love miniature things like doll house furniture or doll house food, it’s simply adorable. I love photography and have a Sony A230L Digital Camera.

I’m a writer and I love music, but I won’t say it’s my life. I hate the heat and love the cold. I’m also currently in therapy for depression but hopefully that doesn’t scare anyone away. I’m a very opinionated person and I don’t have many friends.

If you’d like to know more about me you can follow my personal tumblr. I can be a people person if I try hard enough and it takes two to tango so be my friend. I’m also the bitch, so excuse me if I’m bitchy to you.