Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am so disgusted right now

I am so disgusted because of a recent issue that I have come across on facebook. I already hate high school enough but this made it so much worse.

I came across a facebook of a boy who is semi-mentally challenged. I then realized that there was no way his parent's allowed him to have one and judging by the way that the status's and information was being given, there was no way it was a real facebook page.

Now, at first I thought maybe it was his facebook so I friend-ed him even though he is a bit annoying and did insult my mom at one point. Then I saw another facebook that was made and it was of another "different" person that I actually know and have gotten to enjoy the company of during the year since we rode the bus together.

At this point, I knew these facebooks were fake. Which quite honestly disgusts me because you can't just sit and insult and joke like that to people. People have feelings and apparently most of my school doesn't realize this. Last year, there was a fake facebook made of a fake person and that is a joke. These people are real and have real feelings.

I told a school official and left a message on the fake profile saying I thought they were disgusting. I have sat down and taken verbal beatings directed at me for years and never once said a word. When I stood up for myself, I felt accomplished and to see people joking in a way that sometimes people can't see that they are being made fun of and it's incredibly obvious, I can't help but say something.

It disgusts me that people can do that. I'm ashamed to say I went to that school.